Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Lauren!!

Well, Jerry and my mom surprised me with my mom coming to El Salvador to visit for my birthday week.  I haven't seen her in over a year and a half, I have missed here so much.  We went to the airport to pick up a "package" that I thought his dad was sending Jerry, but to my surprise I saw my mom...oh yeah I cried a little.  But I kind of knew what was going on, since Jerry told me that the package would arrive on the 12pm flight, which meant it left Sacramento around midnight the night before.  I know his dad loves him, but I don't even think Jerry Sr. would drive to Sacramento at midnight to put a package on the plane. 

Jorge from the Tour In company that we took a trip with before was busy, so we decided not to go on a trip, but we had a great time together anyways.  Monday was my birthday and after Spanish class and taking Skeeter to the beach, I came back and Jerry and mom had the boat decorated.  Later that afternoon we had a dinghy raft up with 3 cases of free beer.  We went up the estuary around 4:30pm all tied up and floated back down to the marina.  After the trip we went to dinner at Mar Y Sol with some of the other cruisers to celebrate mine and Jane from SV Comfort Zone 2 birthdays.


SVCuervo said...

Looks like you're having fun! Good for you! Did you get my email? In need of John's (Magus) email to sit for Lucy within a month or so.

Hope to see you someday after Costa Rica!

a said...

What a great birthday present!