Sunday, July 4, 2010

Oh the troubles with outboards!!!

So today Jerry, myself and John (S/V Magus), were going to go to Empalme which is 15miles southeast of Guaymas to go to the tiengies that are supposed to be much larger than the one in Guaymas. Upon trying to start the outboard motor, it would not start…again, which we have been having problems with since Jerry has had the dingy motor.

 Back in Stockton we were having problems with it and Greg (Jerry’s brother), who is a mercury marine mechanic looked at the motor and adjusted a few things and it started working again. It was still hard to start, but at least it ran, but then more recently here in San Carlos we have been having problems with it again. We did have a friend of ours Sammie, who knows a lot about motors look at it and he rebuilt the carburetor, which we were able to purchase a repair kit from Star Marine, our local Chandlery. Jerry also tightened the spark plugs and the motor was running like new. So that brings us to today, after trying to get it started for about 2 hours, Jerry decided to take the carburetor apart again, he wanted to check the fuel float level. This is where the fuel goes in and when there is enough it stops any more fuel from coming in. Finding out the fuel float level was off by quite a bit. In the process he did snap the choke in half but that is fixable, and we can always have his brother order us a new one, which you shouldn’t even really need to start the motor.

After adjusting the fuel float level and putting some grease on an area that did not move right, he reinstalled the carburetor and after a few pulls it finally started.

He then did some fine adjustments while the motor was running, and took the dingy out for a test run and it now runs better then ever. Hopefully for good, or at least until all of our travels this month with friends and family.

 As for the tiengies in Empalme there is always next Sunday.


Margarita Mirasol said...

Ah. A day in the life of a boat owner. LOL.

Sailor Jerry said...

Mucho funo as they say down here. Just took a spin around AJ, she's still floating with the stick thingies pointed up.