Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 5 at the Ranch!!

I don't have a lot to update on, Jerry should be home this evening from his long 18 hour drive from Stockton California, and I am on day 5 at the ranch.  Skeeter and I are loving taking care of all the animals on the ranch.

we even have a pony!
Ruby and a friend
Skeeter love to help feed!

I have met some of Dianes friends that have come by to see their horses that they bored here, and some other ranchers who come by to take them out to be worked.  With their lack of english and my lack of spanish you can only imagine the conversations, but we are able to get the message across.  Both Joel and Miguel have been very friendly and helpful with any questions that I have had about the horses, I definitely need to work on my spanish if I ever want to have a ranchers life here in San Carlos or anywhere in Mexico. 
But to say the least we have a full ranch, and I love it here, it is nice to get off the boat and hang out here for two weeks.  I get up every morning to feed all the horses and clean out their stall's, and don't forget we have chickens, a lamb, 4 dogs, 4 cats, and birds here also.  I definitely am getting my workout in the mornings!
But don't think it is all work, I love sitting out on the palapa in the evenings reading a book or just enjoying the view of San Carlos. 

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